Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Lost Consensus

In Xanadu, an excellent travel book by William Dalrymple, the author retraces the steps of Marco Polo. There is a whole genre of books that do that, but In Xanadu does it particularly well. The book is often funny, spares no one or no place, and is written in an engaging style deserving all the accolades it has acquired and I would like to add yet another reason to read it.

In the book William Dalrymple is traveling through a good deal of the middle-east as the Islamic fundamentalist movement (a horrible term but one I am hard pressed to replace) is poised to explode into the world scene. The book was written in 1989 well after the Iranian revolution was well established (having occurred early in 1979) having wrecked one President in Jimmy Carter, and befuddled the successor Ronald Reagan. Carter of course having failed on multiple fronts to manage the Iranian Hostage Crisis. The seeds for 911 and a lot of other mischief had been planted but the world had yet to fully recognize what was coming.

Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran after 14 years exile on February 1, 1979. He is helped off the plane by one of the Air France pilots. The start of the rise of Islamic fundamentalism?

Within less than a year the United States was humiliated and the administration impotent to react effectively on either the diplomatic or the military front. It was a portent of things to come:

Iranian militants escort a blindfolded U.S. hostage to the media.

As the fundamentalist movement put down deep roots and branched out we were distracted with the death throes of the U.S.S.R. which ironically had not only been deeply wounded by the new movement but helped nurture it along with it's Afghanistan adventure. We were also distracted by a whole laundry list of short-termed crisis, both domestic and international, to include the Contra affair and Grenada. Yet there were hints, and that brings me back to a remarkable quote from In Xanadu that I read today and had to share. In Iran the author met a Christian Armenian by the name of Tadios in the town of Tabriz who had this to say:
Sometimes I am worried, though," he said. He spoke slowly, choosing his words carefully. "For the last century or so there has bee some sort of consensus across the world as to how civilized men behave You know. There is an agreement that men should not be killed for peacefully believing in an idea, that every man deserves a fair, impartial trial, that all men have a right to express what they think. Often these values have been ignored, but however evil a government may be, it has always paid lip service to them." He refilled our glasses. "Well it's different in Iran now." pg 123-124.
It is different everywhere now. Even here. America has become a nation of angry and shrill voices worshiping materialism with unprecedented actions such as the mass suspension of civil rights in Guantanamo Bay and preemptive military action. Those values that Tadios was talking about are the values of a free and democratic nation - they are the values that we have somehow lost:

This is a great nation but we have indeed lost our way and have become cruel, boisterous, and barbaric. I hope, and actually I think, we might be on the mend but the next test is to see if we, the American people, will be bamboozled again by big business and refuse some kind of health care reform. We once had a consensus of humanity and the belief that we could make things better but we traded it in for one that is short-sighted and lacks a vision for the future. Can we find our way again and regain the consensus that we, and indeed the whole world, used to embrace?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hilary Clinton Channeling her Rage

I have been a big supporter of Hillary Clinton but her performance in Africa was not only puzzling but embarrassing. In my last post I spoke of the anger of the American right which is demonstrated on talk radio and in the angry combative reception given to Senator Arlen Specter during his town hall meetings. I was wrong. It is not just the right. This anger and incivility is endemic in our culture and you will see this kind of acting out on the left and the right as well as with our Secretary of State.

Here is the video of that shameful moment:

Hillary Clinton represents the United States and our country was not well represented with this tirade. I do not know the back story for this incident and I do not need to. We saw glimpses of this during the election when Obama started to overtake her in the polls but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. This time her behaviour cannot be ignored.

Secretary Clinton has long toiled under the shadow of her husband. Was it possible that Bill Clinton's involvement in affairs of state was one of the things that was bothering her? In the following video one of the freed women praises the "super cool team" that worked to free them. Bill, you dawg, young women still think of you as being cool and it looks like Uncle Al has loosened up a bit:

There are no excuses for this kind of behaviour at her level. It does not matter if her feet hurt, if she was upset that her 401K plan is tanking, if she was jet lagged, or just cranky for some unknown random reason. She is experienced enough to know that when your in the public eye and the cameras start rolling (for her they probably seldom stop rolling), it is time to cowboy up and smile nice. Also, she knows that Fox news is stalking her at every turn trying to find fodder for their kennel of attack dogs. Regrettably, I am starting to think maybe it was a good thing that she was not elected president since she does not have the poise and personal fortitude to sufficiently separate the professional and personal in her life.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Be$t Health Care Money Can Buy

If you do not think that our current health care system is irrevocably broken do not waste your time reading this post. Instead here is a link to Rush Limbaugh's web page. Go there instead.

I have been amazed at the hysteria created by the monied interest here in America regarding not only Obama but health care reform. The only thing more surprising is the number of people of much more modest means who act against their own best interest and fight health care reform. I finally decided to write something after what happened tonight.

I was out walking the dogs tonight and found this flyer attached (illegally) to a utility pole so on behalf of the people I confiscated it in the name of the Socialist Party of Greater North America (just kidding,... as far as I know there is no such thing but somebody will believe it anyway):

Oh my goodness. Obama's fiendish plan is to make this a socialist paradise like North Korea?! People will believe anything. It is interesting, albeit scary, to know that many people think that President Obama is a secret Muslim and/or a person who was not even born in this country. What is really weird is some of the stuff I have heard on television from "concerned citizens" who "on their own" have shown up at town hall meetings to demonstrate that in America you really can say almost any damn fool thing you want. Here are my two favorite:

1. Lady stands up with a clip board, somehow the clip board is important I think, and informs us that if the President's health care reform passes that it will "increase abortion by 30%." Humm. How do we know that? Let me state for the record that I am against abortion but I am also consistent in being against the death penalty but I digress.

2. Another older woman stands up and with a shaky voice, full of equal parts fear and rage, declares that she does not want the government to "decide when I die." Interesting. I did not know that. I did not know that as part of the health care plan we are going to just kill old people to save money. Well, as a person who gets older each and every day and who is related to many old people that I love I am against it! I say lets just cross the killing old people out of the plan - I think it was a bad idea in the first place.

Of course there is the famous incident with Senator Arlen Specter when a devout Christian in the loving spirit of Christianity told him:

"One day God's going to judge you, and he's going to judge you, and the rest of your damned cronies on the Hill and then you can get your just deserts."

That incident of grace and loving kindness is depicted on the following video:

Many Americans are angry and feeling sorry for themselves and it is these very people who elected George Bush twice. That anger is fueled by the Tea Party gang and the rest of the ultra-conservative right who make their living by being rabble rousers appealing to the most base of emotions and calling it a virtue when in reality it very much something else. They spread innuendo, fear, gossip, and outright falsehoods and call it truth. However, that is the subject of a whole new post.

Our current system is good if your healthy and/or if you have money. If you are poor and sick it goes downhill pretty fast. Why? Let me give you a lesson in business. Insurance companies are not here to give Grandpa Bob a pace maker, or to cure Little Sue's cancer. Nope. They exist to make money and the more money they have to pay out to sick people the worse their profit margins. If I was an insurance executive I would hate sick people and avoid them at all cost. As a matter of fact insurance companies are pretty good at avoiding sick people. They are clever ferreting out pre-existing conditions, and if you get sick they will start raising your premiums in order to drive you out. Insurance companies are not your friend and they begrudge each and every penny they pay out on you. Insurance companies operate on greed rather than faith, hope, and charity.

Obama's health care reform strategy has been to let a consensus build to do something and he knows that whatever plan for change we come up with will be neither perfect, not maintenance free. It will have to be adjusted and modified as we find out where the flaws are. What he knows is that this is an existential battle and if big money wins again we are in for another twenty years are so with a system that is good for certain businesses and bad for everyone else.

Think about this. There are some things that government should be involved in. What if you had to buy police protection insurance or the cops would not show up when you called? What if the courts would not prosecute people who committed crimes against you because that was not covered in your police protection insurance policy? What if your policy for police insurance did not cover misdemeanors but only felony crimes against you or if you were only allowed three calls to the police a year and after that you had to pay for it out of your own pocket? Then there is fire protection. What if you were required to have fire protection insurance in order for the fire department to respond to a fire at your home? What if you could not afford fire protection insurance so nobody would come to put out your house fire when you called 911 but they would come to prevent the fire from spreading to your neighbors house in the event they were insured? Communities and governments realize that it is in the best interest of everyone to provide police and fire protection to everyone. Shouldn't health care be one of those things that a civilized and humane society provides to its citizens?

Maybe a government sponsored health care plan, or some other kind of truly equitable plan for health care, is something democracies do for their people. Maybe it has nothing to do with socialism but rather responsible and responsive government for the people, by the people and of the people? I think that is the case. If you do not believe me make a comparison with China.

The largest remaining Communist country in the world (although it is really an oligarchy and there has never been a true communist country since they all end up being ran by tyrants or elites), China, has a horrible health care system that requires you pay as you go with no safety net for health care for the poor to speak of. Paradoxically, communist China has deliberately picked a market-based health care system just like us. So maybe a public health care system and socialism are not necessarily synonymous. But, maybe a market-based health care system and control by an elite are?